That movie was one of the greatest things I've ever seen. I thought it would be like a Pearl Harbour, but it ended up being a good movie. You can almost feel like you fought that battle and took part of it. Each death the Rangers and Delta Force took were as moving as Wade's in SPR.
Yeah I know ALL too well about that story since my brother was one of the Rangers that was unfortunately mixed up in that mess, till this day he has NEVER spoken about what occured in Somalia, he wouldnt even go to the movie, nor did he watch the 2hr special "The Real Black Hawk Down" on the History Channel a few weeks back, and I wont go there with him, if you were to see him you'd FULLY understand, he left as one person, and came home a TOTALLY different other person! But the flick was KOOOL!
The two guys who got the medal of honor in that conflict were the two delta force snipers. Anyways, that movie was awesome. One of the best war films I have seen in a long time.
That movie WAS amazing, i agree. Its the next movie im gunna watch like 20 times, like Saving Private Ryan. It was just so cool and realistic. I personally liked it because im interested in military tactics and warfare.... When i go see a war movie, i dont really care for the story. But the one in SPR was really nice.
The part that moved me about the movie is when the injured american who was sittin agains't the wall and the Somalian dude with the 9mm comes in waste the whole clip on the was stunning to see...