I'm glad to hear some folks are looking forward to playing the mod. I played it for the first time tonight outside of my test server and I'll withold my (biased) opinions. I would like to hear from you, though. My e-mail is
I didn't modify any of the physics variables around the grenades except for the upper end of the toss velocity, but if enough folks think they're acting silly, I'll see what I can do.
Re: copying CPR, CKR is not a copy of CPR. CPR did a good job of addressing many of the gross problems with the original multiplay to make it less arcade like. CKR is a realism mod in the true sense of the word. I like to play CPR when I want a little more forgiving game. I will play CKR when I'm serious about it. I don't play the unmodded game unless I can't find a good realism server.
There are quite a few differences and all I can say is, play it and see for yourself. The weapons are properly scaled in power and lethality (which they were not in CPR). The starting ammo is right. You can't reload a weapon with an internal clip like you were dropping BBs in your BB gun. The shotgun uses the right ammo for the time. You have to arm your rocket before you can fire it (and each is relatively timed appropriately). The Weaver scope of the 03 is 2.5x and crappy (like it really was). The 98k is more accurate. The bolt throws are identical for the 98ks. Blah, blah, blah.
There are still a lot of "unreal" things in the game and I'll tackle them when I can. But I wanted to get this out so folks who wanted something like it would have a choice. These "mods" aren't really mods at all, just little toys to keep us busy until the tools become available to really mod the game. Enjoy!!
"If your philosophy does not produce corn, I don't want to hear about it." - Red Bear