02-07-2002, 02:49 AM
Christ, Raven, you don't even own the game and all I have seen from you are 24 hours worth of rants whining, bitching and moaning about EA. Give it a rest already.
The game has only been out a scant two weeks or so in most places and people like yourself are already complaining that you "want, want, want, give me, give me, give me." You sound like a naughty five-year-old crying over the candy his parents won't buy him. Get over yourself.
The game will be out in the UK when it's ready. The expansion pack will be released when it's ready. Patches will be released when they're ready. But other than a working game, EA doesn't owe you a damn thing (assuming you spend your money to buy their product).
At the very least, Raven, save your incessant whining for when you have actually purchased the game. If you whine this much without the game, I'd hate to see your spew when you're a paying customer.