I'll bet either of these two different sets of scripts will work with some tweaking and enhance gameplay quite a bit - especially with friendly fire on servers:
"WAB is the Wolfenstein Admin Bot, a perl-based auto attendant for Return to Caste Wolfenstein servers. At this time it is only known to work on Linux (although it may well work on Windows with perl installed; let me know if you try it). WAB's focus is on getting rid of Team Killers, fast, although it also gives you name and IP banning, and nick/IP protection, and allows you to change the length of time on a round. WAB works by a combination of tailing your server's log files and using RCON commands. Its anti-TK logic is much more sophisticated than simply looking at scores, and will kick most intentional TKers in two to three TKs."
"Description: A Perl wrapper for wolfded. Allows you to set minimums scores, to prevent team killing. Also sets the timelimit each game to get around the id imposed 8 minute limit."
If you end up getting these to work, please post the server you got it working on and a download link for your new script.
Thank you.