I agree with you, in reality it is a superb weapon for it's time, but I'm saying it's unbalanced for gameplaying purposes. It would be like playing a WWII flight sim with all the Germans flying Messerschmit 262s, it would not be very fun for the allies!
I am all for someone coming up with a mod that limits weapons, rather than blocks entirely, even if that means you don't get to choose but the weapons rotate and so every round you pretty much get something else.
That being said. I do not think the superfast german machine gun knocks the game out of balance. The allies win rounds easily as much as the axis teams do. If I had the option to take the German assult rifle or the M-1 I would take the M-1 most all the time.
But I do think the assult rifle should not be quite as accurate as it is from far away. Those things must have had a serious kick to them when firing a long burst. As it stands now it seems like it has a laser sight. Or more realistic, it seems like all you have to do it point your cross on the pixels out there on the edge of your resolution and you will hit it every time. That does not seem particularly historically accurate lol.
with enough practice you can be just as good with the KAR98 as you are with an M-1 i've had my moments with it, same as BAR vs STG. bar shoots slower and holds less ammo but is easier to keep on a target