OK I didn't kill myself trying to find the answer to this question, but I hope someone here can help me. Does this incredible looking game support a Joystick and if so does it support force feedback? I was very disappointed when I discovered that Castle Wolfenstein did not and I am hoping that MOHAA does. I don't play with the keyboard. No offense, but I have been using the ultimate human interface for an FPS (FF joystick and 2 button touchpad) with Half Life for years and I am spoiled. I want to buy this game and join the fun, but only if I can use a joystick. Somebody give some info please.
A Joystick? On an FPS? NOW I've seen everything. It's cool though, whatever suits you best. But I'm pretty sure that you could configure the settings for a joystick. Of course I've never tried, but it seems like you could.
=[SE]= MSgt. Parchy
Screamin' Eagles
Company First Sgt.
OK OK I'll have fun getting around and being owned, but I can't do that until I get the damn game which I won't do until I know that I can use a joystick. Hey Parchy thanks for the response. If your there. Do you see any setup screens that mention a joystick or anything in the documentation? Or anybody out there with some info concerning my question.
Yes you can use a joystick. I do. You have to put:
seta in_joystick 1 into your cfg file.
There are other settings that you need in the cfg file to control pitch and yaw and various other modalities, but I'm away from my game setup now, so I don't recall the particulars. Search the various MOH forums, and you should get the info you need.