Who cares, they'll probably drag it out right to the end of the summer but theres bound to be a test version released, thats something id games generally all do so we can get a feel for the multiplayer aspect. biggrin:
Originally Posted by Nyck
But one of her fucking grandkids, pookie, rayray or lil-nub was probably slanging weed or rocks out of the house.
Who cares, they'll probably drag it out right to the end of the summer but theres bound to be a test version released, thats something id games generally all do so we can get a feel for the multiplayer aspect. biggrin:
Yea when i played the "demo" i got like 3 fps 20 in corners and like 1 when the imps came in. THat was before directx 9 though. Still no way my computer can handle it though. biggrin:
Doom won;t be as demanding as people think imo, anyone thats played the alpha thinks its gonna take a monstor of a system to run it, but that alpha wasn't optomised for anything, was basicaly there just to run at a decent framerate to show the game off. When its out id say people with geforce 4 cards around ti4400-ti4600 will be able to ttun the game decently.
'Full impact' based on some estimates (not official):
1400Mhz Athlon / 1800Mhz Pentium 4 or higher speed CPU.
256MB of RAM + again quite dependant on how memory hungry your OS is.
GeForce 3 (original or Ti 500).
Hrm, maybe I will be able to play it! I'm running: