Edit the shortcut to the game so it reads the following: ''C:LOCATION OF GAME\mohaa.exe'' +set ui_console 1 +set cheats 1 +set thereisnomonkey 1
When in the game press ~ to display the console window. Put in one of the following cheats.
Gives player all weapons - wuss
God Mode - dog
Heal player - fullheald
notarget - Removes target
noclip - No clipping
listinventory - List of the player's inventory
tele x y z - Teleport to location
coord - Prints out current location and angles
health - set current health
kill - Kills the player
giveweapon weapons/''weapon_name''.tik - Gives the player the specified weapon
how and the hell do i edit the shortcut though thats what i dont really understand where do i go to do that
and how do i install mods from this website
right button at the shortcut... properties....target.... there u´ll see the location, just add what I told u, beware to put one space right after mohaa.exe"
The mods, if they are .PK3´s??? put them in Mohaa/main directory and thats it!!
hope that helps