In mission 4, you have to bring a pilot to the resistance. After he'd killed a few germans, we reached a church, and after i killed an approaching truck and cleared out the church, the lad was gone. I couldn't find him anywhere. I'm pretty sure he didn't die in battle. Because i didn't saw the message "pilot has died in battle",but he IS gone. Where?
He must be still alive because the mission would end in failure if he died. Look all around the church and down the road where the house are. Open the altar first and see if he shows up. lol
"I love the smell of bullets firing in the morning, it smells like fresh kill"
go inside look on the right side of the "coffin" which i refer to it as for some reason look on the right side there will be a glowing red box like you would put bombs on, activate that and it will open up, then the chic will take all your weapons and give you a stupid pistol
You have to stand next to the alter and press the action button (E). It leads to an underground passage and you can cop a feel from the french tomato down there.
I don't think your pilot would have gone down there alone, he just stood there waiting for me to open the alter when I went through that level. He may have chased one of the soldiers in the truck back down the road opposite way of the church. Search everywhere, he's alive somewhere or the mission would've ended.
OK, here's the deal, i have sought through the whole level, but there's no pilot. But there's a house i can't reach. If i'm in the church, and try to open the altar, the game says:"You haven't completed all your objectives" and DOESN'T open. HELP!