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ShagNasty is Offline
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Default 06-28-2004, 10:59 PM

[quote:058f8]you do realize they are a minority, and we are a majority right ?... a majority such as ourselves does not need over amplified representation such as BET or a scholarship fund. Why? Because we are a majority already, its simply to help out a struggling minority, that all. I see no problem with either.

That is true I guess, but how long do they get this special treatment. Why don’t they have a Chinese entertainment channel, or a Mexican one, there minorities too? I saw all should be equal. I think black like to blame white people for every thing and that’s the things I hate about them. They use the race card way to much.

ex: I was arrest once and in booking there a drunk black guy sitting there arrested for crack, and he says its only because he black. I told the cop don’t you get sick of that crap he agreed of course. you ever get in a fight with a black for what ever reason and the cops show he will say you called him a N*****, which I never use because you have to be politically correct now days right. Take your loss like a man and stop using race cards.

PS: I know not all black people are like this I have friends that are cool as hell that are black. I am just sick of the blame game.

Now tripper.

[quote:058f8]I also think you're mixed up....Remember Racism isn't the same as prejudice. Racism is simply ignorance towards other races, when you're being prejudice you're essentially acting out those racist views by discriminating against others based on race. I never said you did that.

[quote:058f8]rac•ism ( P ) Pronunciation Key (rszm)
1:The belief that race accounts for differences in human character or ability and that a particular race is superior to others.
2iscrimination or prejudice based on race.

I think you don’t know what racism is come down to that comprehension thing.

The examples I made of the past post were a statement how in them post you called me every name in the book and it turns out I was right. Ok

By the way nice job on the reply I didn’t think you could with out a name.
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Default 06-28-2004, 11:09 PM


[/quote]That smells like bullshit to me, a white kid growing up in the projects - highly unlikely.....But, I'm not going to go down that road because I could be very wrong. I'd like to see what one of the other Americans on the forums would say about that.

My mom and dad divorced when I was like 6 mom poor and on welfare so we had to live in low income housing. Aka the projects. And yes we had a very wide variety of races to say the least.

Originally posted by ShagNasty:
So I say I lived with much more race Varity than you. And in a much more violent place.

How can you possibly say that without visiting my neighbourhood? You can't.
Not that it has anything do with you anyway - My statement was aimed at Eames (....and I'm still waiting on a response from him).


sorry didn’t see the EAMS in your heading 1st time.

Isn’t the USA know for being the most violent country in the world, well the civilized world, and don’t you relise that most crime happened in the ghetto aka project aka low income housing. So yeah I can be pretty certain I lived in a more violent place than you.

PS: if racism is what you thought it was we would all be racist. You know every culture and how they live, of course not.
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Default 06-28-2004, 11:24 PM

Originally Posted by Noctis
First of all, the national standards for college admission do not recognize anything over a 5.0 GPA.

That being said, Honors courses will get you .25 to your weighted GPA, AP and Dual-Enrollment courses will get you .45 to your GPA (assuming you make all A's).

Here is some information on how AP is weighted:

[quote:e13e2]Calculation of Weighted GPA

A. Students shall receive bonus points added to their non-weighted GPA for all Advanced Placement courses that they complete with a semester grade of C or better. Beginning with the 2004-2005 school year, in order to receive a weighted grade, a student must take the AP test associated with the AP course and earn a score of 3 or higher on the test.

B. In order to receive credit for a yearlong course, students must complete both semesters of an Advanced Placement course. Students in a yearlong AP course will lose the first semester bonus points if they do not complete the second semester of the course and take the test, earning a score of 3 or higher. It will be noted on the transcript that the weighted grade is contingent upon taking the AP test and earning a score of 3 or higher. The weight will be added to the transcript when the student’s score is received from the College Board.

C. GPA bonus points shall be calculated as follows for a full year course:

Grade Bonus Points
A .045
B .0225
C .015
D No bonus points
Furthermore, more than 75% of AP courses are year-long which necessitates the completion of two full semesters of instruction to receive credit. Also, Federal law limits the number of courses a student can take in a school year to 12 on block scheduling (5 per semester and two summer school) or 10 on traditional scheduling (8 per day and two in summer school). Summer courses taken post-graduation are not counted toward your GPA.

So eat me.[/quote:e13e2]

even that's generous, my piece-of-shit district treated AP classes same as "normal" classes in the GPA mad:

doesn't matter anymore though, HS GPA only affects admission and first year scholarships; everything after that is based on your university performance. dance:
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Default 06-28-2004, 11:35 PM

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Default 06-28-2004, 11:47 PM

[quote="Sgt Stryker":90e9d]
Originally Posted by Noctis
First of all, the national standards for college admission do not recognize anything over a 5.0 GPA.

That being said, Honors courses will get you .25 to your weighted GPA, AP and Dual-Enrollment courses will get you .45 to your GPA (assuming you make all A's).

Here is some information on how AP is weighted:

[quote:90e9d]Calculation of Weighted GPA

A. Students shall receive bonus points added to their non-weighted GPA for all Advanced Placement courses that they complete with a semester grade of C or better. Beginning with the 2004-2005 school year, in order to receive a weighted grade, a student must take the AP test associated with the AP course and earn a score of 3 or higher on the test.

B. In order to receive credit for a yearlong course, students must complete both semesters of an Advanced Placement course. Students in a yearlong AP course will lose the first semester bonus points if they do not complete the second semester of the course and take the test, earning a score of 3 or higher. It will be noted on the transcript that the weighted grade is contingent upon taking the AP test and earning a score of 3 or higher. The weight will be added to the transcript when the student’s score is received from the College Board.

C. GPA bonus points shall be calculated as follows for a full year course:

Grade Bonus Points
A .045
B .0225
C .015
D No bonus points
Furthermore, more than 75% of AP courses are year-long which necessitates the completion of two full semesters of instruction to receive credit. Also, Federal law limits the number of courses a student can take in a school year to 12 on block scheduling (5 per semester and two summer school) or 10 on traditional scheduling (8 per day and two in summer school). Summer courses taken post-graduation are not counted toward your GPA.

So eat me.[/quote:90e9d]

even that's generous, my piece-of-shit district treated AP classes same as "normal" classes in the GPA mad:

doesn't matter anymore though, HS GPA only affects admission and first year scholarships; everything after that is based on your university performance. dance:[/quote:90e9d]

They probably didn't affect your GPA because your school hadn't implemented weighted averages yet. Federal timelines require all school districts to have weighted averages implemented by the 2004-2005 school year (upcoming school year).

Chairperson, Coastal Carolina Students for Ron Paul 2008
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Default 06-28-2004, 11:53 PM

yeah I graduated in 2002; there was talk of implementing weighted grades in my district when I was between sophomore and junior years, but nothing materialized until after I graduated
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Default 06-29-2004, 12:26 AM

Originally Posted by ShagNasty

That smells like bullshit to me, a white kid growing up in the projects - highly unlikely.....But, I'm not going to go down that road because I could be very wrong. I'd like to see what one of the other Americans on the forums would say about that.

My mom and dad divorced when I was like 6 mom poor and on welfare so we had to live in low income housing. Aka the projects. And yes we had a very wide variety of races to say the least.

Originally posted by ShagNasty:
So I say I lived with much more race Varity than you. And in a much more violent place.

How can you possibly say that without visiting my neighbourhood? You can't.
Not that it has anything do with you anyway - My statement was aimed at Eames (....and I'm still waiting on a response from him).


sorry didn’t see the EAMS in your heading 1st time.

Isn’t the USA know for being the most violent country in the world, well the civilized world, and don’t you relise that most crime happened in the ghetto aka project aka low income housing. So yeah I can be pretty certain I lived in a more violent place than you.

PS: if racism is what you thought it was we would all be racist. You know every culture and how they live, of course not.

Could you type this out so I can actually understand it? Dude, couldn't you go through posts like these before posting them up? I mean, it's all over the place. If you want me to understand the point you're trying to make.....
ShagNasty is Offline
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Default 06-29-2004, 12:30 AM

Whats not to understand? I mean you should obviously know what you said I should not have to say tripper said this for ever quote do I.

Originally posted by ShagNasty:


That smells like bullshit to me, a white kid growing up in the projects - highly unlikely.....But, I'm not going to go down that road because I could be very wrong. I'd like to see what one of the other Americans on the forums would say about that.


so I replyed with this ok.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------

My mom and dad divorced when I was like 6 mom poor and on welfare so we had to live in low income housing. Aka the projects. And yes we had a very wide variety of races to say the least.


Originally posted by ShagNasty:
So I say I lived with much more race Varity than you. And in a much more violent place.


How can you possibly say that without visiting my neighbourhood? You can't.
Not that it has anything do with you anyway - My statement was aimed at Eames (....and I'm still waiting on a response from him).



sorry didn’t see the EAMS in your heading 1st time.

Isn’t the USA know for being the most violent country in the world, well the civilized world, and don’t you relise that most crime happened in the ghetto aka project aka low income housing. So yeah I can be pretty certain I lived in a more violent place than you.

"I also think you're mixed up....Remember Racism isn't the same as prejudice. Racism is simply ignorance towards other races, when you're being prejudice you're essentially acting out those racist views by discriminating against others based on race. I never said you did that."


PS: if racism is what you thought it was we would all be racist. You know every culture and how they live, of course not.




Could you type this out so I can actually understand it? Dude, couldn't you go through posts like these before posting them up? I mean, it's all over the place. If you want me to understand the point you're trying to make.....

KTOG is Offline
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Default 06-29-2004, 12:35 AM

Founding_Law ... who spells their name with an underscore.
Tripper is Offline
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Default 06-29-2004, 12:37 AM

Now tripper.

[quote:8fe33]I also think you're mixed up....Remember Racism isn't the same as prejudice. Racism is simply ignorance towards other races, when you're being prejudice you're essentially acting out those racist views by discriminating against others based on race. I never said you did that.

[quote:8fe33]rac•ism ( P ) Pronunciation Key (rszm)
1:The belief that race accounts for differences in human character or ability and that a particular race is superior to others.
2iscrimination or prejudice based on race.

I think you don’t know what racism is come down to that comprehension thing.

The examples I made of the past post were a statement how in them post you called me every name in the book and it turns out I was right. Ok

By the way nice job on the reply I didn’t think you could with out a name.[/quote]

When I called you a racist, I meant definition number 1....

Originally Posted by ShagNasty
The examples I made of the past post were a statement how in them post you called me every name in the book and it turns out I was right. Ok
You were right about what???
ShagNasty is Offline
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Default 06-29-2004, 12:54 AM

[quote:7a243]You were right about what???

1: That Michael Jackson is a pedophile. I am 98% sure he will be found guilty.
2: The belt way sniper was a coward and an idiot. I think we can all see that now right?

You did defend both of these, you basically said the kids just want Jacksons money and he didn’t do shit remember.

The belt way thing you were saying how skillfull he was and so smart not to get caught.
The irony is he got caught by the stupidest mistake.

Ohh and I admit I am not a pro like you with all the quotes and shit I don’t do this for a living.
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Default 06-29-2004, 12:55 AM

Originally Posted by ShagNasty
Whats not to understand? I mean you should obviously know what you said I should not have to say tripper said this for ever quote do I.

Originally posted by ShagNasty:


That smells like bullshit to me, a white kid growing up in the projects - highly unlikely.....But, I'm not going to go down that road because I could be very wrong. I'd like to see what one of the other Americans on the forums would say about that.


so I replyed with this ok.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------

My mom and dad divorced when I was like 6 mom poor and on welfare so we had to live in low income housing. Aka the projects. And yes we had a very wide variety of races to say the least.


Originally posted by ShagNasty:
So I say I lived with much more race Varity than you. And in a much more violent place.


How can you possibly say that without visiting my neighbourhood? You can't.
Not that it has anything do with you anyway - My statement was aimed at Eames (....and I'm still waiting on a response from him).



sorry didn’t see the EAMS in your heading 1st time.

Isn’t the USA know for being the most violent country in the world, well the civilized world, and don’t you relise that most crime happened in the ghetto aka project aka low income housing. So yeah I can be pretty certain I lived in a more violent place than you.

"I also think you're mixed up....Remember Racism isn't the same as prejudice. Racism is simply ignorance towards other races, when you're being prejudice you're essentially acting out those racist views by discriminating against others based on race. I never said you did that."


PS: if racism is what you thought it was we would all be racist. You know every culture and how they live, of course not.


Could you type this out so I can actually understand it? Dude, couldn't you go through posts like these before posting them up? I mean, it's all over the place. If you want me to understand the point you're trying to make.....


Stop arguing on the interweb..
ShagNasty is Offline
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Default 06-29-2004, 12:59 AM

[/quote]Stop arguing on the interweb..[quote:02a2d]

I think hell will freeze over 1st.[/quote:02a2d]
Coleman is Offline
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Default 06-29-2004, 01:01 AM

I'm not going to read the last 4 pages so....keep talking nag:

Tripper is Offline
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Default 06-29-2004, 01:33 AM

FFS - It's not that I can't read the words and understand who said what, it's that you messed up the quoting and now it's all fucked up so it doesn't flow like a proper argument should - it's all over the place and would take more time than I care to give to unravel it all and put it in the right order for a rebuttle.

I will make a few points where I can:

Originally Posted by ShagNasty
2: The belt way sniper was a coward and an idiot. I think we can all see that now right?
I never said he wasn't. My argument was that it took skill to do what they did, and to evade the police for as long as they did. I never condoned it like you're insinuating above.

Originally Posted by ShagNasty
The belt way thing you were saying how skillfull he was and so smart not to get caught.
The irony is he got caught by the stupidest mistake.
.....Of course he was bound to make a mistake, you're not looking at it from where we were.

You can't say you won that argument. As for the Michael Jackson one, I can't even remember that, so I'm not going to get into that.

Originally Posted by ShagNasty
Ohh and I admit I am not a pro like you with all the quotes and shit I don’t do this for a living.
I don't do this for a living either..... oOo:

Originally Posted by ShagNasty
Isn’t the USA know for being the most violent country in the world, well the civilized world, and don’t you relise that most crime happened in the ghetto aka project aka low income housing. So yeah I can be pretty certain I lived in a more violent place than you.
No you can't. Just because statistics and surveys say that your COUNTRY is more violent overall than mine, it doesn't mean you grew up in a more violent area.

Until you visit my the area I grew up in and see it for yourself, you can't make a solid statement like that.

.....Not that this argument is relevant at all.... oOo:

Originally Posted by ShagNasty
PS: if racism is what you thought it was we would all be racist. You know every culture and how they live, of course not.
You've mis-read my post.

[quote:05f16]ac•ism ( P ) Pronunciation Key (rszm)
1:The belief that race accounts for differences in human character or ability and that a particular race is superior to others.
2iscrimination or prejudice based on race.[/quote:05f16]

Here is two definitions you posted. The first one (Number 1), is the one I've been refering too.

NOT the 2nd one.....You still with me?......and I still stand by that belief that you are racist under that definition.
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