I believe you can find the answers to those questions by looking at each company's respective web site. And if you can't, it's going to be because they don't want you to know
Maybe gamedev.net or gamasutra.com would have it, I actually remember reading somewhere about their price but I forgot which one's most expensive (plus I dunno if the source was correct).
My *guess*(exp -> least exp):
Q3 -> UT -> Lithtech
Then you have new ones, like I heard Croteam is licensing their Serious Sam engine too... prolly least expensive though
[This message has been edited by BadScript (edited March 04, 2001).]
I might be a little bit off but does anyone knows how much does it cost to license the Q3A or UT engine for a game? And how much does it cost to use the Litchtech engine (when you can't afford UT or Q3
"Unplug all electrical devices and come out with your servo-mitts in the air!"