Wow, you're really informed on your WWII info

. It was actually J that you probably talked to at that re-enactment you mentioned (the same J who replied to your post, he as well as Boon went to that

There is only one thing that I wanted to mention to keep in mind with games like this. While we strive to be as accurate as we possibly can, we also have to make sure that the game rocks and is a lot of fun to play. I can already assure you that we are NOT going for the Doom-style run-n-gun type of gameplay, that just does not fit the universe of MoH. Nothing against Doom mind you (I still love and play the game

, but it's not appropriate for what this game is trying to achieve.
As for tons of different outfits, tank camo schemes, loadouts, etc... we are trying to put in as much of a variety as possible, but we have to work around the various hardware limitations for our target and recommended systems so that they can play at a good framerate, yet be as scalable as possible so the people with the at-the-time mack-daddy systems can enjoy the game in full ludicrous glory

. For example there's a limited amount of texture memory we have to deal with. For every camo scheme, piece of equipment, uniform subtley, etc... it all requires more texture memory. All the skins for the characters, vehicles, artillery, and other models, plus all the textures on the world geometry, plus all the visual effects, plus all the lightmap data have to fit inside the alloited texture memory. You'd be surprised how fast it all adds up. Also, not all the texture memory on a video card is available to us to use just for this data. For example, on a non-voodoo 32 MB card, only about 16 MB are available for textures. This is because a big chunk of the memory is needed for the frame buffer, and other various chunks are needed for various other buffers that are required to render the scene in the video card (I won't go into all the techno-babble details

. So we put in as much variety as can be allowed, but I ask that you be understanding if we can't make every solder in the game be completely, and totally different

The other item I wanted to mention was gameplay. We want to make the game as fun to play and as enjoyable as we possibly can. Doing things like making sure that only the NCO's have MP40's, vs. the common soldier having only a KAR 98's (a good suggestion BTW

, that's stuff we've actually already discussed, and provides for excellent gameplay. But we also want to make sure that the normal person (as in non-WWII buff

playing the game can recognize the different troop types fairly quickly. So in the example here of NCO's and officers getting the better weapons, probably most every NCO would get that weapon to make him stand out and be constantly recognizable as a higher level of threat to the player. Again, gameplay considerations need to be taken into account, and I just ask that you be understanding regarding this isse

The goal for us is to make a game that can hopefully educate a bit the normal, non-WWII buff, yet really satisfy the total WWII buff. We want to be as authentic as we can, where we can, and provide the right setting and atmosphere so the player can get fully immersed into the setting and have a great time playing through the game. There's ton's of gameplay there for the non-WWII buff to get involved with and enjoy, as well as ton's of authentic stuff that the WWII buff will see and (hopefully) get really jonesed over. So as we release more screenshots, keep those comments rolling, and just know that we are doing our absolute best

P.S. It's interesting you mention the Tiger camo schemes. Brad, one of our skinner artists here I think got that directly from a book on Tigers that we have. But we'll have him check that just to be sure.
Thanks again for the info
Now if you'll excuse me, I have a code monkey to go strangle.