The D-Day level would take you more than a minute to walk through if nobody was shooting at you.
It's an MG42. The MG42 does fire full auto if you tell it to, but it also only fires when the player presses fire. If it appears semi-auto, it's because the player was firing in bursts.
The delay between shooting the barrels and the explosion is probably the delay you see in several places of the movie because it was made before we added precaching. Basically, in the demo it loads all of the graphics and sounds for the explosion when they are first used, so that you see the computer wait for the hard drive to finish reading. This stuff is now done when you load the map, so you don't get that sort of hitch any more.
ya, cori u hiden the 88 part out? hehe, it would be great to see details like that, instead of a black spot, please consider fram's idea, I have been playing day of defeat and other half life games to long to see a great game like yours have a black spot for a hole, anyways c-ya
i was just reviewing the MOHAA movie...the one that has the D-Day landing as the first seen. Well its a great level....a few things...i heard it only took about a few minutes to do....why such a fast level? Just a minor detal...there are no muzel falshes from the German bunkers...i dont know may be u just did not add that in yet...second on the beach...when the artty rounds went off..sand was thrown up but the ground stayed level from what i saw...i mean a german 88 can blow a nice chunk of reaestate into the air...but theres no hole..i dont know i think i just had a bad view but please address this. In the same movie...the winter scene to be exact...the soldire picks up a german gun....i think its a mg34 or one of the mg' come it does not fire fully auto....the other the scene when the soldier shoots the expoldes on a delay..this could just be the movie but i dont know just wanted to make u aware....keep the good work up
If I leave out a part of the answer, it's usually because I can't comment on that right now, either because we aren't ready to reveal that or because we don't know ourselves.
The D-Day level shown in the movies and at E3 was modified and cut short for demo purposes. Kinda like a song edited for radio, you have to keep it within time constraints. Expect a lot more gameplay goodness in the final product =)