Here are some great ones (imo) [url= 94342debb268f557406f2991d0:b972d]DK666 MoH:AA realism server[/url:b972d]
Here is the rotation list for all of thoes map packs [url=]Rotation List[/url:b972d]
These are some of the best maps I've played. Enjoy!
[quote="The_Naked_Gunner":27ef4]Where can I find some descent Map Packs???[/quote:27ef4]
I have all the OBJ maps in one folder either in a zip or a win ace file. and I have 6 map packs of non OBJ maps. You can try to search for them on I-mesh. I leave my computer on when I am not using . OBJ maps are list as. mohaa_new_OBJ_maps.V1.1 ; and non obj maps are listed as.mohaa non OBJ maps.V2.0
V2.3 and so on......