I just made it so when you shoot somebody you hear a beep sound... now I just gotta change the death animations to the crouch animations so it looks like they sit down when they die
AA:O that is fun as hell! when you parachute then blow the chopper up
i ove that one, hey GS if you need some help il try to make that map that the 82nd miles training is in. i can get the miles on the mg42 also. or can you convert some gun and il make it replace the mg42.
yeah a map would be great I was trying to do a delta force type map with room clearing and stuff like that... but then I remembered there is no team work in MOH anymore annoy:
Ok im done with the first beta let me get the readme dont and upload it.. It might be awhile cuz im on dial-up its only a 10MB file
and it comes with
1. New guns with miles system on them
2. some new modern player skins
3. a new verson of the bots_beta map... I use it to test mods I make.
4. new sounds
Ill keep making updates for it... I have some new stuff already done for the next verson but Its still buggy so I hold of on them for now...
ok I thought it was gonna be ready today but I had a friend beta test it last night and he found some major and minor errors that need to be fixed so Ill get to that after Xmas