OK, for any clan leaders/ co-leaders, have you ever had a former clan member get really pissed at you because you kicked him out for whatever reason (doesn't participate, not good enough) so that guy goes on every server with his tag still on and gives your clan a bad name? Or even worse, try to hack into the website or one of the clan member's computers? I was just wondering because a former member was really pissed at me last night on MSN and was cussing me out and all this other crap. Has annybody else experienced this? What can I do about it?
You go and let this crazy dude back into your clan. If that doesn't work, secretly make a new clan website and a secret new clan name that this guy won't know about. And if that doesn't work, well, maybe put up a notice on your current website saying to everyone: "This player is not affiliated with our clan......... etc" like a disclaimer.
Change passwords to all the vital stuff of your site. Get CK autokick and enter his IP. Then talk to =[DOA]= BallBuster about spreading his IP through the community. So he cant join any of the important servers and trash your name. Block him from your MSN and have all your members do the same.
If he becomes an extreme problem call up your ISP and see about a new IP for yourself. A good firewall such as black ice defender should keep him from "hacking" you although thats probably a front.