- money
- passing that test i just busted my ass on
- sailing
- hanging out with my friends
- meeting new girls
- fat chick porn
- games
- going back to those old games i used to play as a kid and finishing them
- comedy
- my e-friends on here and distributed around the globe
- did i mention fat chick porn?
- Enjoying shit you earned from your job...like Ferich said Movies, Games, Books....
- Learning something new everyday...something that will interest me..makes you feel more informed
- Waking up on a saturday in winter when its cold as hell outside but its warm in your bed, just stay in bed for hours on end
- Writing a good report for school and when you get it back you did really good on it
- I shouldn't say I love it but it goes out of my hands fast...Money
- One of the things I used to do every other day was fishing with my dad in Georgia...good times
probably more but I can't think of anything else..
Location: 69 Offtopic Lane, Forum Road, Internet City.co.uk
01-26-2005, 07:03 PM
Music #1 above everything
Sharing music and informing people about it, affecting people with it
Making people smile or laugh
Travelling to new places
Suddenly realising theres alot of single attractive girls around
Watching interesting films that make me think more about my views on life
Finding nice hidden areas in the sunshine
My computer
That man is the richest whose pleasures are the cheapest - Henri David Thoreau
- My better half of almost three years
- Cheap canned food
- expensive booze
- my dog
- morning jogs
- the outdoors
- guns
- traveling to exotic lands
- enjoying a sunset toke with my stoner buddies
- being nude/naked
- myself
- music
- tits
- tattoos
- my extended family as well as my immediate
- listening to televangelists and judeo-christian missionaries
- free healthcare, and the capacity to exploit that luxury by being stupid
- native girls
- the smell of native girls