[quote:f2a05]I'm a Early DEC mid vet [/quote:f2a05]
Really Rudedog? I thought you were an old school vet. I was a member at alliedassault.net but I can't remember the name I used. I thought I remembered seeing you there.
I first regestered for the Allied Assault.net forums in Probally November or December. (Whenever the MP demo came out that was when I joined.
Username HIGGINS1944
I also registered over here as HIGGINS1944 just a week or two after I registered over at AA.net.
Then I joined [WaffenSS] and reregistered as [WaffenSS]HIGGINS.
I didnt post that much but I did read alot until about April when I took a long trip and then school and more trips got in the way. I didnt play more than 3 times for 4 months until I came back here and registered as Red hammer.
I sure do miss some of the guys from back then too. Everyone was so excited that the game was coming and when It came out it was just crazy with excitment.
Its too bad that EA has treated us like crap, not releasing an SDK and not stopping the cheaters from runing the game. HOPEFULLY the expansion will fix up all of these problems. (They still will get another $60 out of me....!)