Ok this is what is says on the left hand side when i put up a post. I have seen other peoples too. I was just wondering how i would move up from private to other things?
Location: "I have never let my schooling interfere with my education"
08-24-2002, 11:24 AM
Originally Posted by snipeymagoo
make an ass load of posts...i stayed up tilll 6 am one time just so i could get 50 lol iam pathetic lol
That was funny *cough cough sarcasm*. I don't know where you can check, but everytime you reach a significant post amount, your rank will increase. I'll check to see if there is a list around.
Basically, what they all said. The most posts you make, the more rank you recieve. You get a different rank with the more posts you make. I believe once you get 20 you become a Private First Class, then 50 is a Corporal, something like that.
Basically, what they all said. The most posts you make, the more rank you recieve. You get a different rank with the more posts you make. I believe once you get 20 you become a Private First Class, then 50 is a Corporal, something like that.[/quote:5f6dd]
HEY JOE...lucky they dont take away posts that are pointless...youd still be in bootcamp...so now is this helpful post or a BS post..im keepin score...BUTCHER