There is.. And funny enough it's called Autokick
It's made by Crow King, and you can get it here from in the files. It can do that and much more
Not to toot my own horn, but there is also a script that will disallow certian curse words to be used in-game as well, made by myself and Redsoccerdevil. You can get it here:
08-25-2002, 02:01 AM
Not to toot my own horn, but there is also a script that will disallow certian curse words to be used in-game as well, made by myself and Redsoccerdevil. You can get it here:
when you say 100 time NOT TO TOOT MY OWN HORN...YOUR TOOTIN THE HELL OUTA YOUR HORN...but...i gota put this one in the helpful file..nice job joe...BUTCHER...BY THE WAY..AUTO KICK will ban by words also....wonder who had it first...THE CROW...or you...the term copy right infringment comes to mind.
These are two of the best admin tools money can buy. Ok they are free, but if they charged for them they would be worth every penny.
Don't get any ideas Joe :wink:
Crowkings "Autokick" Does a hell of a lot more then just kick players
and Redsoccerdevils and Bazooka_Joe's "Chat filter"
Joe, you need to spread the word at TMT and PMOH. I know for a fact that everyone was bitching at what people say in there servers. I did not have time to reply.
I sent it to TMT, but sumthing's up with their email. It kept sending me a auto-responce msg about every 15 minutes for 5 days straight, which means that MY server thinks that THEIR server did not recieve the msg. So it just kept sending it. I'll try again, and get in touch with PMOH.