Hey guys, I have a seriously whacked out machine. Okay I had Windows XP, and then it froze on me, CTRL+ALT+DEL didn't work, so I naturally Restarted my computer..Well seems that my BIOS was unable to detect the Primary IDE Master and Slave drives, so I remembered I have an old 40gb Hard Drive from my Pentium 3 Days. I hooked it up, and lo and behold, BIOS instantly recognized it...Well kinda. It booted up and all, worked fine, but it hasn't been run since August 2003 so it had to Re-Install all of these drivers, took several hours..(This hard drive has Windows ME)...Well, everything seems fine now, except that 1) Sound is completely gone and 2) I am unable to connect to the internet. I ran the SBC Yahoo! DSL CD, but after trying to connect to my modem, it gave me the "Modem was not found" message. So I am in a pickle here. I have looked for the SpeedStream 5100 drivers on several websites but found none... Can anyone give me any ideas on what to do? By the way, the lights that are green on the modem are Power and Ethernet, Internet and Activity are off (not red).
Any help would be appreciated in getting either the internet/sound working on WinME or getting the WinXP HDD working.
I once had a similar problem, and all did was if you look on the back of the XP harddrive there is a lil pin and a diagram sayin put it this way its slave this way primary blah blah well just change it from where it is to either or slave or primary depending on where it is and also use the other IDE connector if you have 2 on the IDE cable which most do...and hopefully she will boot. also put in XP CD to possibly repair any problems
also i dont have winxp cd's, it was pre-installed on the hard drive.
then just try wut i said and hopefully none of your xp files r corrupt and it will boot also try pressing F8 just to bypass the problem, does it just say secondary IDE on startup and stall?
If ethernet light is on then you dont need the modem drivers cos they are for usb.
You need to make sure your nic is installed correctly.
To check this goto start>run and type winipcfg and press enter.
The IP manager should popup( if not goto step 2) when your in here go to adapter name and see whats there if you have just ppp adapter then your nic needs to be reinstalled
if it is there then click release all and make sure your ip goes to
then click renew all and you should get an ip off your ISP.
2) If ip manager doesnt popup then tcp/ip is fucked up so you need to reinstall it with an ME cd.