I'm not trying to spam it

Just giving people who want to upload an alternative. And as far as beating AA? Those are the least of my intentions. I truly do just want to allow people to just be able to download from our site, and possibly get their mod out to others that may not know of AA. Trust me, the last thing I want is everyone downloading from
http://www.planetotb.com , the reason for that is I only get a maximum of 30gigs of xfer per month

Just trying to help increase the fun, loyalty, and modding community for mohaa...no more, no less.
To those of you who have already uploaded files to our site, I didn't expect such a huge turnout...so give me 24 hours to get your mod/skin/map/utilites posted as I work constantly. However, I am getting some help with the files that are being uploaded, so don't fret...it will be on the site shortly. Thanks in advance.