server admins should take some of the blame -
08-26-2002, 06:52 PM
theres a whole lot of talk about the behavier in multiplayer games.i think a lot it steems from some servers who let the bad language the name calling and just about anything else a player wants to do get by with it.a new guy comes along,joins a game.its a mad house with cussin respon killin name callin you name it.well this guy thinks he can do all those things too.until he happens onto a server with some controls and now hes mad and dont understand why hes kicked.ill probably catch hell for sayin this.i usually do but i think if more sever admins. paid a little closer attention to what goes on in there games i could very well stem the tide of jackasses that we all must indure.example...on my server the other nite..a guy comes in..promptly uses the f word..i was about to give him is one and only warning .another players types...better watch the language in here butch will kick you outa here right quick..the guy said ok..sorry...i never had to say a word...this is not a commercial for my server so im not listing it only saying that if a lot more server admins policed there games a little better this whole thing could be a happier place for everybody.thats why i say some of the blame for the multiplayer problem must be shouldered by the server admins.there more to being a server admin then the ability to set up a server!!.one last im typing this i know im goina get blasted by some of the guys in this problem...this place for sharing ideas and that was mine...BUTCHER
If it's a dedicated server, whos to say that the admin is there to watch the game all the time? This is why tools like Crow King's Auto-kick, and the chat filter were made; to subsitute for a admin when one is not available.
i happen to run both of those things at my server...i understand you cant be there every second...but when you are there take steps to set examples of what happens to these people how need to act like idiots just because they think they can...i consider it my responsibility to make my server the best i can make it for the players i consider regulars and new comers to the game and ill take any steps necessary to get it done...BUTCHER..hey joe..check your pms.