Hey i have an idea.....i dont make maps but i think it would be cool to add mirrors in some maps for strategic and just funness. Or maybe if its possible a mirror house or fun house rather....think?
I can't believe no one has made that yet. That map would be great. Mirrors all over the place like a little fun house. All these wierd colors and crap. Ohh man that makes me want to reinstall that map editor... nah... almost... I'm too lazy for that. But someone should make a map like that and make it good quality if you do and not have a terrible design... and not be oversized. Good idea Onor, now if someone would make it.
I know, thank you btw. That would be a VERY played map i think. I tried usin the map editor and i have no clue what ta do and prolly will never. But when the full sdk comes out, ima be messin with shit left and right.