Location: Next Door To The Little Voice In Your Head
BF1942 Multiplayer Demo Handguns and Thompson -
08-28-2002, 04:01 PM
i dont know how many of yall have played bf1942 but the handguns and the tommy sound a whole helluva lot better in there than any mohaa or any sound mod ive seen. if someone could transfer those three sounds from BF1942 to mohaa i would greatly appreciate it. My email is alongi_joseywales@hotmail.com if u did it for me and are done, or if it cant be done or what. Peace
I think the sounds in BF1942 suck. I've never accually heard a real thompson or 1911 or p38 fired in real life so I'm not sure what they are supposed to sound like. Just in BF1942 the sounds are so weak.
Location: Next Door To The Little Voice In Your Head
Thats great -
08-28-2002, 08:53 PM
i love to hear your guyses opinions on the weak sounds, but i like them and i was wondering if SOMEONE COULD PUT THE COLT,P38, AND TOMMY GUN AND MAKE A MOD TO PUT THEM ON THE RESPECTIVE GUNS IN MOHAA PLEASE!!!!!
well iv heard all three of the weapons fired, and they sound nothing like any sound mod iv ever heard you just cant get the real sound quality like your actually shooting them and bf1942 sounds aren't even close to the real thing sorry to say but o well have fun
[quote="Clemenza B. Drinkinbeer":09a95]i love to hear your guyses opinions on the weak sounds, but i like them and i was wondering if SOMEONE COULD PUT THE COLT,P38, AND TOMMY GUN AND MAKE A MOD TO PUT THEM ON THE RESPECTIVE GUNS IN MOHAA PLEASE!!!!![/quote:09a95]
I dont think you can. Well I know I cant. MOHAA is on the Quake III arena engine which uses uses paks and folder branches. BF1942 is nothing like that at all. I have no idea how to mod it or rip it open to get to sounds.
pk3 have nothing to do with it.
just take the sound files. rename them to the same as the ones used in moh/aa
zip them together. rename the .zip to .pk3
and place the .pk3 into your main folder.