Originally Posted by Poseidon
It all depends on what type of music you listen to. If your into dance/trance 2x10" subs would be good, general music (bit of everything then a 12" sub would be a good compromise, Slower basier music such as rap and R&B then a 15" would be suitable.
You a decent kit for the amount of money you can spend.
My friend has 2 of these [url=http://www.caraudiodirect.co.uk/product_info.php?products_id=4770:17dc5]Subs[/url:17dc5]
Sounds great, although sounded great before he bought the second.
totally wrong, sub size does not affect the sound of the bass at all, thats a VERY common myth alot of beginners like to talk about. The only thing size does is make the bass louder, cone area*xmax=displacement; displacement is a good figure for comparing subs to one another to see what *should* be a louder setup.
For $400 you have alot of options, Alpine type Rs are always a solid choice, good mix of sound quality and loudness. Pair that with any decent 500 or so watt amp and you have some nice sounding low end for your car.[/b]