Originally Posted by Nijnrich
[quote:e74aa]If it gets bad enough, I may even stop playing all together.
Don't let the @ssholes win. What will you do, play another game ??
Different games, different names there will always be cheaters...
Just as there are honest gamers around that you can trust and that will play fair. Stick to playing with people you can trust.
Sad enough that's not everybody on this planet.
Agreed. However, while I LOVE playing games, it's not the only thing that drives me. I figure if I play a game until I'm bored with it I got much more than I payed for - and that's been far exceeded by MOH. So if a time comes that cheaters appear to be everywhere I'll be happy that I had a good run with it.
To say that I let them win, well... no... If they cheat to get their rocks off then the only real person losing is them. Who likes playing a game over and over if there's no real challenge to it. Eventually it will lose it's pizazz and they'll find something else to cheat at, all the while not learning anything.
Meanwhile we all know the servers we like the best, and if you're anything like me it's because the admins keep a tight ship. So get the enjoyment you can out of the game and don't worry about the cheaters. Besides, there are new games coming out all the time, so I'm sure their attention will drift to cheating elsewhere.