Ok this is going to seem like a really silly question but how do i play on the aa.com servers?? so i just go to MP and browse the servers till i find an aa.com one?
ok i enter that ip into the IP box and click connect, then a screen comes up saying connecting to server and then i get taken back to the main screen again. Also i know that the "`" button is supposed to bring up the consol but for some strange reason that doesnt work on my PC. :-(
I don't know about the tilde problem, but if you get thrown back to the main screen while connecting to a server it's because the server's running a map you don't have. Check the forum for a post from RudeDog about the game server - there's a sticky, but sometimes he has a seperate thread about it. There's map info and more precise instructions on joining.
Make sure you have "console" checked in the game options , and you should be able to hit "`" and get it , you will need this to type in the password if you get a "server full" message.