Location: Canada! Home of fast beer and bubbly women... Wait, i think i mixed that up
08-04-2001, 01:03 AM
Audie Murphy. NOT
Ummmm, actresses count? Because in that case it would be Rachel Weiss, for her Beautiful . .. mmmm. .. her spectacular . . . ohhhhhhhhhhhh. . . . her marvelous .. . . yessss . .. . For her acting, honestly. And for being the hottest british person on earth.
Location: Canada! Home of fast beer and bubbly women... Wait, i think i mixed that up
08-04-2001, 01:18 AM
Von P is right. That movie rocked. What's funny is, Tim Robbin's name before he became a movie actually was Andy Dufresne, but very little is actually known about him, something about prison, and a 400 yard tube of shit, but that's all.
I wonder if the movie was based on anyone? lol,
(this entire thread was a joke for you naive people. Ecept for the Von P is right part)
Location: Canada! Home of fast beer and bubbly women... Wait, i think i mixed that up
08-04-2001, 01:23 AM
Hmmph. You don't know what you're missing. Now, if you'll excuse me, me and Von P are headed to Zaywhatanaio (how was it spelled Von P?)
"The Israelis will not scrupple at the fact that I'm seventy-six. The death-penalty is still very much in favor over there, you know, especially when the man in the dock is a Nazi war criminal associated with the concentration camps!!!"