When viewing the console, it only goes back so far..as new info appears.old infor is dropped off. Is there a command to go back and see more of the info?
OK..I just tried that and that does not actually work. What I mean to say is it will page up..but only to the limit of the log..which might not be at the beginning. As more information is registered at the bottom, the stuff at the top dropps off. I want to know if there is a way to see something once it dropps off. I notice when I have been in a game for a while, and open the console, i can only scroll or page up so far.
That sounds like a ? for the developers. I'm sure they made a way to log to a file, which is probably the only way you're going to be able to read that stuff. The only question then would be "what's the comman?"
I say, send an e-mail to one of the developers or support and ask them? Post any info you find here, in case someone here doesn't already have that info.
Yes, I do have a mouse AND a scroll bar. However after you have been in the game for sometime you can no longer scroll to the top. The log only handles so much then it begins losing into at the top.kind of a FIFO thing (first in, first out). One of the things that prompted me to ask this is, I had a player causing some real problems in our server the other day and he had been removed. Later on I felt that another player in the game was actually the same person, so I wanted to compare IP's. However when I scrolled up to see the IP of the previous player, I could no longer see that info, it had scrolled off the log. I have got into the habit now of writing down the IP's but it made me want to ask this question, is there a way to see the whole log from the console.
As far as emailing the developers, how would I go about doing that. Excuse me for my ignorance.
MOH only displays a maximum of (I think) 230 lines in the console. Once it reaches 231, it deletes the first 10 lines at the top of the console, then when it hits 241, deletes another 10, and so on.
Yeah, but I'm sure there's a command somewhere or something along those lines that allows you to output to a file. I mean, while the game was in it's final stages of development I'm sure the dev's used this information to track errors and such.
Try having a look at the support of the game's website [url:09ea7]http://mohaa.ea.com[/url:09ea7]. There may be some e-mail links or such. Good place to start, anyhow.
D'oh........ yeah I guess it does start deleting things. Apparently the only time I needed to scroll up to troubleshoot, I was within the 230 line limit since everything was there. Hadn't even thought that it might end at some point before posting that first reply eek:
Well whatever you find out, make sure to share because I'm sure that at some point I'll hit that limit and need to see something further back than I can go