[quote="Scorpion -]M15F1T[-":e6fcb][quote=Nyck]
Originally Posted by "Scorpion -
Originally Posted by Nyck
The doctor when I got my root canal wanted me to get an appointment to get my wisdom teeth pulled. I really should since they are impacted but I said FUCK YOU cause the pain stopped after I got the root canal.
Seriously dude dont fuck with wisdom teeth cos they will come and bite u on the ass. I have 4 and they are a bitch idont mean just ouch i mean they are moving my other teeth and makin me look even stupider than usual lol
Im almost 26, they arent really movin anymore[/quote:e6fcb]
Believe it or not i'm 31 and these are really pissin me off. I'm gonna end up lookin like rocky dennis or some shit[/quote:e6fcb]
shit my teeth are already all fucked up..fucking hill billie inbreeding in kentucky on my moms side spank: