Originally Posted by Arkan
I'm in agreement with the UN findings. Thats the way this thing should be handled. If he breaks the UN agreement, war is to follow.
Problem is he already broke the UN agreements back in '91, so we already have grounds for war.[/quote:1598b]
No that is not grounds for war.
Why are you so anxious to get rid of this guy? Sure hes got a bad rep but there is no proof. Just like in the justice system he is innocent untilproven guilty. The gulf war was a totally different situation. He invaded a country hes not doing that now. No grounds for war. Breaking UN agreements doesn't deserve war. Do you know what his reason is? No. Are you a high level govt' official? No. Breaking the agreements and making weapons of mass destruction is grounds for war however.
Just because the guy is a dick etc. does not mean you can invade his country. Ya know what, hes in power of his own country. Who are you yto tell him to leave? Why does the US have this power that lingers over every country. If they don't like you, they'll get rid of you themselves. It shouldn't be this way. If there is proof of what he is doing, fine. Invade. Kill him and replace the govt with somone else. Until it is proven and made public that he doing things that threaten the lives of people outside his country and it is reasonable to assume that he is GOING to use them against another force, then invade.