09-10-2002, 03:05 PM
My family and I are planning on having a bar-b-que, and inviting some friends over. Miller, Miller Light, Corona, vodka shots. You know stuff like that.
Also gonna watch all those 9/11 specials. Do a vodka shot everytime we see a picture of a weeping widow/fireman/Taliban member.
Cmon you CANUKS - break out the party hats and the streamers - put on some James Brown and get funky with it.
Once 9/11 is turned into a holiday (TWINTOWERANUKAH I'm thinking it should be called), it will be the second biggest money maker after Xmas, but before Valentines day. Start saving!!!!!
Dont worry about PFC GREEN - unlike the MAJORITY of Republicans out there, GREEN is an obsessively "AMERICAN" redneck who cant for one minute get 9/11 or revenge out of his mind for fear of a backlash from his masters in the NRA. It's a strange sight indeed.
9/11 will come and go for me. I've mourned enough, meaning I had my television on 9/11, and then went back to work. Folks like GREEN feel that if you dont want to participate in another commercializaiton of a fucking"american tragedy" that by GOD! there must be something wrong with you, and you're a NAZI, TALIBAN, blah blah blah.