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What does i take to make a MOH stats program???
Badass Joe is Offline
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Default What does i take to make a MOH stats program??? - 10-03-2002, 04:52 AM

I would very much like to track clan members score, and use that score for promotiong. Like a sertain kill score promotes you. When your promotet the program gives you an insignia that fits that rank. It could also be nice to demote people if the get killed too much (me hehe) It should be possible for the admin to set the amount of kills that gives a promotion. Maybe a sertain death ratio should substract from the kill ratio so clan members will fight even harder hehe. I should all so be possible to keep score for non clan members, again it should be an option for the admin.

I know the program need some sort of parser, what is a parser, what kind of language is i written in, can a parser be found on the net and where??

How is it possible to have the stats program out put the result from the log file as HTML?

Maybe a visit to could whip up a scripter that could help?

I think that MOH stats is a step in the right direction, but it needs fetures like the ones above, Aeon stats is a disaster to look at. What I think we need is a dedicatet MOH stats program.

If I knew how to code I would make the stats program myself, but sadly I cant code :-)

So any ideas on how we could get a dedicatet MOH stats program on the road is highly appreciatet. Maybe we could work together on finding people who could make the program?? cool:
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r3mix is Offline
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Default 10-03-2002, 05:53 AM
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Re: What does i take to make a MOH stats program???
[NBK] G.I. Jerk is Offline
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Default Re: What does i take to make a MOH stats program??? - 10-03-2002, 10:56 PM

[quote="Badass Joe"]

I know the program need some sort of parser, what is a parser, what kind of language is i written in, can a parser be found on the net and where??[\quote]

To parse something basically means that you have a huge list of garbage intermingled with what you want to find. You can parse in many ways if you know how. VBS (visual basic script) Perl, Python and even DOS can be used to get to the goodies. Where can one be found? Beats me I'd write my own.

[quote="Badass Joe"]How is it possible to have the stats program out put the result from the log file as HTML?[\quote]

You parse what you wish....take the good stuff and encapsulate it between html TAGS. (can't show you here...php wont accept it in a post)

(simplified for your benefit using DOS since that's my old trusty fallback which I understand the best)


You run a server with DEFAULT death messages (predicatable lines of text called STRINGS make it MUCH easier) and you wish to compile a list of kills and methods of kills for each clan member. ie: how many kills by bashing, sniping, rocket etc etc.

In a DOS script (called a batchfile) I'd have it look through a list (1 line at a time) for each clan members name. (using Your name this example)

FIND /I "Badass Joe" qconsole.log >badassjoe.txt

This finds EVERY line that your name appears on IN qconsole.log and the ">" sends those lines to a new text file that I delve into deeper.
The "/I" tells the FIND command to ignore upper/lower case differences.
At this stage it includes BOTH your kills and deaths.

Then to distinuish your kills from your deaths (this is where text predicatability comes into play) I FIND "by Badass Joe" The default death messages say things like GI Jerk was sniped "by Badass Joe"

FIND /I "by Badass Joe" badassjoe.txt >joeskills.txt

You'd have to repeat these steps for a few other death messages such as:

"took Badass Joe's rocket in the kisser"
"is pulling Badass Joe's shrapnel out of his teeth"

Anyway you dump all of these kills into the same text file. Then I'd use the DOS FIND command again to NUMBER every line with your name in it using the "/N" SWITCH built into the FIND command into yet another text file.

FIND /I /N "Badass Joe" joeskills.txt >joeskills2.txt

The text file would look like:

[1] GI Jerk was sniped BY Badass Joe in the head
[2] GI Jerk took Badass Joe's rocket right in the kisser
[3] GI Jerk is pulling Badass Joe's shrapnel out of his teeth

and so on...

Then to find out how many kills it is in total I FIND [x] where "x" is a number.

FIND "[20]" joeskills2.txt (i'd start with a much higher number but to illustrate...)
IF ERRORLEVEL 1 GOTO 19 (19 is a LABEL that tells script to jump to a line in the script that has ":19" on a line of its own..errorlevel1 means NOT FOUND)
FIND "[19]" joeskills2.txt
:18 (and so on and so forth)

So the script runs through until it "counts" (dos can't count ...has no math functions but figuratively) down to a number it can find. (the highest number since we're counting DOWN) Once it is found, the script (by weeding out the "[]" leaves you with JUST the number between them) ie: "[12]" becomes "12"

Then I turn "Badass Joe" and "12" into VARIABLES called %%1 and %%2

The script can then ECHO (echo means print on screen or into a text file) what it needs to make a webpage from it. (greater than/less than signs reversed to not screw up php forum....also you can't ECHO a greater then sign to a file because greater than sign is a DOS echo ANOTHER symbol then use a DOS prog called BFR to replace it later)

ECHO >html< >joeskills.html (a single ">" creates or overwrites a file ">>" APPENDS to it)
ECHO >head< >>joeskills.html
ECHO >title< %%1's Kills >/title< >>joeskills.html
ECHO >body< >>joeskills.html
ECHO %%1 has %%2 kills today >>joeskills.html
[b]ECHO >/body< >>joeskills.html
ECHO >/html< >>joeskills.html

Then you need to take this webpage and update your website with it. DOS FTP command is scriptable so it does just fine.

ECHO OPEN >upload.txt (open is an FTP command...not DOS's)
ECHO TO >>upload.txt (same as above)
ECHO >>upload.txt (same)
ECHO your-user-name >>upload.txt
ECHO your-password >>upload.txt
ECHO cd /whatever/folder/you want >>upload.txt (cd = change directory)
ECHO PUT joeskills.html (FTP PUT command.... well PUT means upload)
ECHO BYE >>upload.txt (BYE means close the connection)

Then you execute another script or manually issue the command that says:

FTP :s upload.txt (:s tells FTP read the script and do what it says....all of this you COULD do yourself from a DOS prompt)

Sorry for being so long winded's hard to make it understandable to a scripting noobie without being so.

That's the VERY basics.... it's quite doable. You DON'T need any special programming language. You just need DOS at the VERY LEAST.

Before you ask me to make this for you (have a feeling you will...and I'd do it for the practice)you'd NEED to give me your servers FTP username and password so I can READ the qconsole.log file to parse it in the first place. I'd ALSO need your username and password of your clan's website to update the stats page. That's up to you....


Actually now that I re-read this post I wouldn't need user/pass at all. BUT you'd have to fill in a couple blanks in the script.
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Badass Joe is Offline
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Default 10-04-2002, 11:06 AM

Hey G.I thanks for your detailed answer. No i dont mind it being that long it explained a lot to me. I have send you a message hope you will get back to me.
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r3mix is Offline
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Default 10-04-2002, 08:25 PM

[quote="Badass Joe":4f290]Hey G.I thanks for your detailed answer. No i dont mind it being that long it explained a lot to me. I have send you a message hope you will get back to me.[/quote:4f290]

no actually you fucked it up.
you sent me the PM and dissed my suggestion in it to boot. so in reply.... suck me off you silly dense foolish fuck.... ta

aestats exists...... it produces HTML stats pages like this....
[url=""]http://thejonesboyz.freewebsitehosting. ... nking.html[/url]

fuck else you want ?
just to make this difficult for yourself ?
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Thanks for your very nice replay
Badass Joe is Offline
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Default Thanks for your very nice replay - 10-04-2002, 08:31 PM

Well thats what you get, when children with a computer are invovled. I just want to say how nice it is with a replay like yours. Very helpfull and very mature of you. Have a nice day. biggrin:
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[NBK] G.I. Jerk is Offline
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Default 10-04-2002, 09:19 PM

Originally Posted by r3mix
aestats exists...... it produces HTML stats pages like this....
http://thejonesboyz.freewebsitehosting. ... nking.html
Never seen aestats at work before. It does a pretty decent job of it too having looked at the link you provided.

I just wish Badass Joe had it up and running. It would save me a whole lot work getting his desired "promotions" working. I could parse a pre-parsed webpage (using wget or netcat with http GET command) instead of starting from square one.
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Re: Thanks for your very nice replay
r3mix is Offline
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Default Re: Thanks for your very nice replay - 10-05-2002, 12:13 AM

[quote="Badass Joe":47586]Well thats what you get, when children with a computer are invovled. I just want to say how nice it is with a replay like yours. Very helpfull and very mature of you. Have a nice day. biggrin:[/quote:47586]

you fucked in the head ?
how much more helpful could i be than giving you a compiled and operating stats generator for the game?

i dunno..... do whatever tha fuck ya want pal..... just figure tha fuck out whos who in a thread if you want to discuss this further.
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Re: Thanks for your very nice replay
[NBK] G.I. Jerk is Offline
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Default Re: Thanks for your very nice replay - 10-05-2002, 12:43 AM

Originally Posted by r3mix
how much more helpful could i be than giving you a compiled and operating stats generator for the game?
What's between you and him (PM that is) I do not know, nor for that matter do I care. But PUBLICALLY in this thread you seem to be overly profane without cause. It looks bad. We had our little verbal jousting match just the other day (my fault... I was drunk and obnoxious) but we never had to resort to such name calling and profanity. We simply disagreed and nothing more. (insinuations aside)

No offence r3mix as I don't want a repeat of the other day but perhaps you missed his original INTENTION in the SUBJECT LINE. To the effect of:

"How do/can I make a stats program?"

Your answer (a link to aestats) wasn't an answer to his question AT ALL. The guy STATED he didn't like it. HE STATED indirectly that it didn't fulfill his needs. (promotions automatically to his clanmates)

So he didn't take your advice. Is that such a crime that it takes so much profanity to to make it somehow more succinct for the rest of us reading this thread?

I almost wish I could run this thread through 'zooka Joe's/'soccerdevil's swear filter before reading any more of your posts. There's just no need for it PUBLICALLY. Do your swearing in PM's back and forth for all I care.

He asked how to make least I tried as consicely as possible (to a script noob) HOW to do it. What's INVOLVED. What "languages" he needs or doesn't need etc etc. ALL on a point by point basis. THAT'S being helpful.

No offence but helpful you weren't whatsoever. Moreover, you simply steered him right down the same path he STATED he wished to AVOID.

Go ahead...swear at me too. I care less.
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r3mix is Offline
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Default 10-05-2002, 12:49 AM

uh.... i swear all the time. i swear when being helpful.... nice and obnoxious.... it does not necessarily relate to my opinion on any subject.

but in summary.... yeah i cant be fucked with this thread..... good luck
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You tell him G.I.
Badass Joe is Offline
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Default You tell him G.I. - 10-05-2002, 01:19 AM

Sorry to se that such a "simple" question cause so much trouble. But thats what you get when people can hide behind the computer scren. The sad think is that r3mix actually send me a very pleasent PM, without swearing, and then in public calls me a f... So to h... with him.

What my whole piont with this stats program was. If you imagine somebody completly new to online gaming, HTML(which i know some about), scripting, MOH server files etc, then you have a person who is really in trouble, if he/she wants to get in on the gaming scene - right? What the h... are they to do? Slam someting like AEON stats in their faces or give them the tut on how to make their own server files? I am not sure they will benefit from that if they dont have the know how or anything that have given them the insigt into things like that. So what can the do? Well the can cry help on a forum and get help from somebody like r3mix or MAYBE a kind person like G.I. maybe!!

My point is, that it´s way to hard for a newbie to learn all that stuff. So why not make it dead simple with a an app. like the one i suggestet? Dont think it can be much simpler than that. I mean somebody has made a server launcher, thats a big help, as far as i understand somebody has made a web scripter for your server files, which is a brilliant idea. All in all step like these are helping in making it simple, so you can concentrate on gaming and not fiddeling with files you dont understand anyway - with the amount of frustrations that follows. This could result in a bigger player base/online servers which benefits us all.

G.I. thanks a lot for your explanation on how it could be done. It show that you have a clear idea of what your talking about. And it was very nice of you to take time to explain it to me and the rest that read this post. I think we should forget about making the stats program. Its too much trouble for what it can be used for. And thank you for your post on r3mix´s public blunder.
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Default 10-05-2002, 03:37 AM

I wish there was some way of keeping accurate stats of your online play. This game would of been so much better IMO if they had this feature and you were promoted after so many kills or something. There use to be a game called Chain of Command on that let the highest ranking person give promotion points after each match. Eventually you moved up in rank and you could also lose rank. I wonder if someone could make this possible.
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Hmm something is missing on my latest post to the thread
Badass Joe is Offline
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Default Hmm something is missing on my latest post to the thread - 10-05-2002, 01:12 PM

In my former post i talk about making it dead simple for newbies. If you read my first post that startet this thread there is no suggestion on how to make it simple. It´s because i PM´ed G.I. with the my veiw on making it simple.

Here is my suggestion to G.I.:


I really think that the MOH community needs this kind of app. I have looked at MOH STATS, which requires PHP, and AEON stats, which i find way too hard to use, espacially for n00bs like myself and others and on top of that AEON Stats´ out put is a disaster to look at. We really need somthing thats dead simple to use and do not require an admin to take on a second full time job, just to use it.

What i have been thinking is this:
An interface with 3 buttons:
1. Parse the log file for clan members.
2. Parse the log file for clan members and non clan members.
3. Upload to clan site.

You should be able to promote or demote clan members based on say number of kills, like 500 kills promote you from privat to corporal. Which means that the app. has to take into account a previous score from a previous parsing. It should also be possible for the admin to deside that number of kills that get you promotet. It should also be possible to be demotet if you get killed a lot, that deadth ratio should also be set by the admin. Maybe the app. substracts one kill for every 5 deaths. When a player is promotet/demotet his insignia should automatic change. If he is promotet maybe his name should be written in blue and red means demotion, here the admin could deside the colour code. I got the insignias and can send them to you.

I am not really sure what the HTML should look like or if the only requirements for the HTML should be only a table on a given clan site. I got a guy that can help with that. But I think that the clan members should be put up on a simple list, one clan member above the other, like:

Insignia, 1.Lt, player name, the various kills, death suisides and so on.

Maybe I am going of my rocks here. But it could be fun to see what kind of weapon the clan member mostly uses and maybe what kind of weapon his mostly killed by. I think many admins have fun with changing the death messages, so that has to be taken into account too.


This PM to G.I. ended by mistake in r3mix´in box, it was my first PM to anybody.
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