Originally Posted by r3mix
how much more helpful could i be than giving you a compiled and operating stats generator for the game?
What's between you and him (PM that is) I do not know, nor for that matter do I care. But PUBLICALLY in this thread you seem to be overly profane without cause. It looks bad. We had our little verbal jousting match just the other day (my fault... I was drunk and obnoxious) but we never had to resort to such name calling and profanity. We simply disagreed and nothing more. (insinuations aside)
No offence r3mix as I don't want a repeat of the other day but perhaps you missed his original INTENTION in the SUBJECT LINE. To the effect of:
"How do/can I make a stats program?"
Your answer (a link to aestats) wasn't an answer to his question AT ALL. The guy
STATED he didn't like it. HE
STATED indirectly that it didn't fulfill his needs. (promotions automatically to his clanmates)
So he didn't take your advice. Is that such a crime that it takes so much profanity to to make it somehow more succinct for the rest of us reading this thread?
I almost wish I could run this thread through 'zooka Joe's/'soccerdevil's swear filter before reading any more of your posts. There's just no need for it
PUBLICALLY. Do your swearing in PM's back and forth for all I care.
He asked how to make one....at least I tried as consicely as possible (to a script noob) HOW to do it. What's INVOLVED. What "languages" he needs or doesn't need etc etc. ALL on a point by point basis. THAT'S being helpful.
No offence but helpful you weren't whatsoever. Moreover, you simply steered him right down the same path he
STATED he wished to
Go ahead...swear at me too. I care less.