ok bleu. maybe if u would use the icq right. u just stay on allll day under non available. same with soviet. u two dirty bastards, well next friday we will see eachother evil:
Location: 69 Offtopic Lane, Forum Road, Internet City.co.uk
10-06-2002, 09:45 AM
new record! well it is good to see a brummie on the forum hehe.
well all think yourselves a little luckier than me, on this computer the cd stops installation at 40% and i get an error message, meaning i've not played MOH for 7 months, i could've tried my friends cd but still, its annoying as hell coz i could've owned alot of people, when i did play a little bit online(56k yakkk) my scores were pretty high and i was getting better all the time, which must've been a good thing....oh well.
so i just play team fortress classic when i can, jus installed bf1942 MP demo last night and my god the lag is horrible, im on cable and was on a 'cable only' server and peoples pings were all like 300-600, plus it kept saying 'paused' and 'connection problems'. very annoying. it was fun though, i got in a jeep (which i think are wicked) with someone and he jus drove over a cliff, lol eatthis:
once this game gets fixed and patched im gonna like it alot. do you think unreal T.2003 would run on a celeron 950, 196ram, gf2 mx400? hehe
That man is the richest whose pleasures are the cheapest - Henri David Thoreau