...anyone heard of a "W32/Insane.dam" virus?...sounds nasty eh...and I appear to have it!
My McAfee prog says it was in my BF1942.exe, it could not be cleaned, and had to be deleted,
re-installed and that my data would not be affected.
I did a complete remove, re-install and same message appears - before I added the patch. Then I got the same thing for MOHAA.exe....?!....
The games both play as usual...luckily.
Anyone know WTF?....and don't tell me to try hiding under the house, because that doesn't work...... oOo:
...ahh jeez...how wuz I supposed to know..?
if that's McAfees idea of a promotion then they need rootin', shootin' and electrocutin'.
Mind you, it came with a free optical mouse! oOo: