Hello peeps, i was wondering if anyone knows how i can get the status (i.e. players/names/and general stats seen in ASE GS etc) of a game server to be displayed in a php page for our website?
any links to code or actual pages would be great, since im a n00b when it comes to php and webdesign in general
I've tried to locate the script but can't find it anywhere. I'm not sure if it is just php or if the php is wrapping a cgi script tho. I looked into coding a query tool in php but it seemed to have some problems with the way php deals with socket sessions.
Anyway it apparently can be done (but possibly requires wrapping a cgi script) so if anybody has more info please post it. It would be very nice to have a system like the one at aa.co.uk!
look for the mohquery.php class
takes a bit of configuring to work with a predefined server, but if yr php savvy then it should be no probs. Remember to use the query port (12300 etc) instead of the game port.
Thanks to Godin on #bymoh on quakenet for uploading it for everyone to use
Can't get to either of those addresses, can someone who has it put it up on another site or email it to me at hex_333@hotmail.com and I'll put it up for download for everyone. Thanks!
EDIT: Nevermind, looks like his website is back up.