ok, i know there is no blood in this game but i was watchign the movie again and the VERY first guy he snipes, it looks as if some blood poofs out then goes away.... watch it frame by frame, and it'll just appear right aftre you shoot him then a few frames later dissapear? any comments after watching it?
It's not blood, I can tell you that now without a doubt, theres is no single drop of blood in this game. What you saw was dust and also the MG42 infront of the guy. That is all.
------------------ Blessed be the Lord my strength, which teacheth my hands to War and my fingers to fight.
Also, whoever says the AI is always waiting for you, they're wrong. Most of the time, the AI si doing something. When you see the officer and the soldier, theyre listening to the radio, and the first guys in the bunker, theyre talking.
Yeah he's right the only reason the Germans were probably expecting you is becuase they could hear the sound of their comrades being pumped full of lead.
And the thing about the blood is a console thing so that the game appeals to younger aged people. A lot of console FPS games do that like Perfect Dark the original MOH and Golden Eye.
[This message has been edited by Mad Dog (edited August 09, 2001).]
And besides what would you rather have? A guy unrealistically splatter becuase he was real close to a mine or an artillery shell. Or have him get luanched and do a filp into the air? I prefer the geting luached into the air which requires more work on the programers part and shows that they are not just slacking off and saying, " screw it this is to much work let's just have him splatter instead of having him get luanch into the air.
[This message has been edited by Mad Dog (edited August 09, 2001).]
I agree its ok bitching about blood but after paying the game for about an hour you hardly notice it anymore.
I remember mortal kombat one on the snes it was criticised for having no blood all the fake cheats went flying about how to enable it even though it wasn't in the game. Then mortal kombat 2 cameout with blood and no one really commented on it.
Bloods really a useless piece of eye candy for the first while its like eeww i splattered his head after a while u dont even notice it.
Originally Posted by Nyck
But one of her fucking grandkids, pookie, rayray or lil-nub was probably slanging weed or rocks out of the house.
Yep. Blood isn't needed, unless they're gonna do it really well. Like in Half-Life, the blood sprites are awful and it seems like theres no need for blood, its just eye candy. PRetty much its there just so you can say "Look at all that blood man!" Heh.
Yah, but it's okay if it's done like Soldier of Fortune did it. But if it is done that well then the company will lose a lot of young customers.
EX: MY Cousin played the demo and wanted the game he was like 10 or 11 and when his mom saw him playing it she uninstalled the demo and took away the CD he had it on. After that i gave him a copy of the full game but his mom cuaght him agaiin and broke the copy.
[This message has been edited by Mad Dog (edited August 09, 2001).]