<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>My favorite character for the entire movie was that tranaslator guy named Upem(Spelling). He was just so well played, and he had some great scenes. He was also the most interesing character, since he was scared all the time. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
omg , RS , i HATED that guy . thats the only thing i hated about SPR . i dont know who was more annoying , him or Jar Jar Binks
[This message has been edited by Polaris (edited June 22, 2001).]
i'm pretty sure that there were soldiers that were scared and stuff but c'mon , i think spielberg made his character TOO much of a pussy , which really pissed me off when he didnt help the jewish dude in that room where he got knifed . i wanted to walk out of the theater , right then and there when that happened . i really liked tom sizemore's character though
My nick... one time I was signing up for a service. You need to provide a nick and a password, and so I did; But the cgi script keep returning me with errors, and when I try to sign up again it said the nick has already been taken, but I can't log in with the nick and the password I provided.
So I tried again, this time with a different nick, but same error. Finally I ran out of nicknames, and I just typed BadScript for the username in protest. And guess what? It worked. Been using that nick since then.
[This message has been edited by BadScript (edited June 22, 2001).]
well mine is some what self explanatory too. My favorite college basketball team is DUKE (who just won the 2001 NCAA March Madness Tourny!!!) and their mascot is the Blue Devil. Well anyways, GO DUKE!!
I got my nick of all those American movies, the ones where all the Germans are named Hans and can't hit an American tank 2 feet away with the butt of their rifles.
If you've seen Saving Private Ryan you'll know where I got my nick from.
I don't know why I picked Caparzo though cos Sergeant Horvath and Jackson are my best.
Probably cos Caparzo sounds the best.
Well, I love Star Wars and Chewbacca is my favourite Character, and seeing their brutal psycho and very war like aliens and their called Wookies, I thought BallisticWookie sounded pretty good, so, yeah...