What clan do you think is the best clan on moh? And please keep in mind, Clans need a good clan leader, clans need to be good team players, and good sportmanship. Not just SKILLS. For the clan to even be listed please note the above. Also who do you think is the best clan leader?
I'll start
U.S. Army Rangers hands down lol.......Wolf for leader......
yea well there are just some clans better and deserv notifcation other than your own clan....thats what I ment. I really dont know to many clans for moh so I cant say anything but USAR lol...
The clan I play for is about 4 years old now.
handfull of members.
We never argue about anything.
We get along very well..
Best bunch of guys I know. Plus Some of the best players as far as skills I have ever known.
We dont have a website..
Why? Not important.
In a nut shell, we are older guys(1 female) that have everyday jobs, and like to get on some fragging.
We play matches like everyone else.
Clans name is nF.
maybe you played against some.. who knows?
Who cares?