Location: Next Door To The Little Voice In Your Head
Crappy Spearhead? -
11-13-2002, 09:39 PM
i am getting monster lag and poor FPS. also sound burps are issues. I have the same settings on SH as i did on the regular mohaa, yet things are performing shitty. i know im on the edge with my 64mb gf2 and 256mb ram, but if it worked well, shouldnt the gameplay remain the same. i did clean out my main folder. moved my skins into that mainta folder which is where they are supposed to go for SH if anyones wondering, and took off most of my custom maps. i suppose less is more until they come out with a patch. is this something EA can fix with a patch or 2, or is this a tough luck situation. food for a response.
did u read the minimum specs on the side of the box? (fuck people, look before u post somthing stupid) the specs are doubled for Spearhead from allied assault
No matter what the specs say on a box (I think some cellar dwelling CHUDs draft up specs by reading code), you gotta understand that all the maps in Spearhead MP are at least four times the size of any maps in Allied Assault. So you may have to tone down the settings. I'm getting about half the frame rates with SH as I got with AA.
Location: Running around the map unarmed while trying to make myself an easy target for mortars.
11-14-2002, 12:17 AM
play this game on a 500mhz PII? yeah, if you want to see .5 frames per second.....i love how developers try to make money....running this game smoothly takes at least a 1 ghz. horrible people.