I'd like to use this weapon, but I've noticed that every time you jump out of a window, jump off a ladder or whatever else, the avatar locks back the slide. This is a dead give away to your location if youe trying to be stealthy or playing round based. Anyone else noticed this.
The bolt, the slide, Aronold and Kimberly, the thing you manualy manuver to rack the bullets into the receiver.. the avatar or the person that represents you i the game..racks the bolt/slide everytime he jumps from place to place, when it doesnt need racked..makes a very distinguisable sound that will blow your cover...
I think that waht he means is that when you go up ladders and things when yopu get off you cock the weapon for no apparent reason, which makes the distinct "click-clack" of the reciever.
Yea I did notice that a while back. It was a bitch cause I'd sneak up on someon then when I get off the ladder they heard the reload and would turn and kill me.