my comp..
1000Mhz TB
GF3 230/520 det 21.85
I've tried different settings doesnt matter if its 640x480 or 1024x768 graphics are really choppy. Especially in multiplayer i have 40-60 ping but fps 20-85.
ps. I've already enabled vsync ingame didnt help and i have fps max 85.
I don't have those problems on my Geforce 3 on PIII 750. I get 98FPS when no one is around and no shooting. However I get like 15FPS with 20ppl on the screen shooting and shit. How do you turn on VSYNC withing the game?
WOW santas in the that case I want a game called moh thats the best ever ...gulp!..never mind- try getting hold of windows xp too. Runs heaps faster and is great for games.
I have:
Athlon 500, 256RAM, GeForce 2 Pro
OS: Win2K
My friend has:
PIII 700, 256RAM, GeForce DDR
OS: Win98
It is choppy and laggy for both of us. We have DSL. When we host only like 4-6 players max can join. The people start off with like 80 ping but then after about 10 min of game play all of their pings suddenly ski rockets to 999 and they get dropped.
We host many other games like RTCW, CE, OFP, AVP and we don't have these problems.
yo put everything to its lowest , like textures, resolution should be like 500x325 or whatever set all video and advanced options to the lowest and it should run fast, i did it for mine and its all good now, peace