PLease guys-i have a request. I...I saw the videos of this most excellent game at some webpage of omaha beach landing. Now-there is no easy way to say this but-i took a crap in my pants. so i was wondering if these videos are cutscenes or actual game footage. if it is game footage-i will probbly die of a heart attck. until 12:18 i had been following operation flashpoint (2 year, member of "the veterans"). this game-i dont even know what to say-i guess ill start by saying hey
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by negative: PLease guys-i have a request. I...I saw the videos of this most excellent game at some webpage of omaha beach landing. Now-there is no easy way to say this but-i took a crap in my pants. so i was wondering if these videos are cutscenes or actual game footage. if it is game footage-i will probbly die of a heart attck. until 12:18 i had been following operation flashpoint (2 year, member of "the veterans"). this game-i dont even know what to say-i guess ill start by saying hey<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
lol not trying to kill u, but its acctual gameplay! a little hard to believe isnt it?
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by BDC22: yeah... Im SOOO damn lucky... my b-day is Jan. 22 HEHEHE im gonna preorder it in like 2 days<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
1337N355 my freinds b-day is on the 23 of january, that lucky bastard.
"Does it really smell like cookies. Ohhhhh, she farted and it went down my throat." Guy from Family Guy
There may be what tortures you.
There may be what reduces you to silence.
There may be what fails to satisfy you.
There may be what irritates you.
There may be what grieves you.
But man has to train himself by enduring these things.
lol...yup I bet you are going to buy the game then...huh?Well 2015,another satisfied customer.....releasing that movie was an advertising GOLD MINE!!!!....well I cn't wait till the 22nd of JAN.....oooooo the excitement is KILLING ME.....
Praise the Medics...and pass the ammunition
the first videos at the site wernt right...look at ur screen when u play...he doesnt get shot once...and he has no health bar, weapon status, or bullets left! not even a compass! they musta done somethin to make him invinclible! and there was some blood...look at the video where u start next 2 the tank, and u run up the ally...the first dude he shoots, look at his neck! blood!