The T-34 Tank was the best general purpose tank of the war. The Germans first saw this tank during the Operation Barabarossa ( Invasion of the Soviet Union). Russian forces were strongest in the south and of course that is where you find the T-34. General Ewald von Kleist's Panzer Group was the German force in the south, they've lost a lot a men, but the Russians have lost a lot more. But on June 23 the first Panzer would meet the T-34 and again losses were heavy. The Russians were able to completely stop the German advance, but they were now delivering heavy blows.
The Russian T-34 was probably the most outstanding tank of the war, had a combination of well-sloped armour, a powerful armament, high speed, and brilliant cross country performance (due to it's wide tracks and high power-to-weight ratio) meant that the German Pzkw Mks III and IV were completely outclassed.
Weight- 26.3 tonnes.
Range on Roads- 250 miles.
Armour- 45mm on front, sides and rear: 75mm turret front and rear.
Armament- One 76.2mm cannon, two 7.62mm machine guns.
Yes the T-34 was an outstanding tank and had the over all most effectiveness of the war. But you cant look over the panther, It was a little better in my opinion but cam along to late in the war to be produced at a larg enough scale to really take effect.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Polaris: i wouldnt trust everything you read in books .<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
Polaris is just jealous because HA will make it to the next rank sooner than he would