Originally Posted by Innoxx
That way we would have tons of mods patrolling their specific forums and keeping them in check. 14,000+ members and only five mods? Let's be a little more logical.
Plus as i said before 90% of the mods are americans with one auzzie. There are obviously gonna be times where none of them are around and spam\porn whatever gets posted especially over the last few weeks.
Ive been online quite a few of those times where if i could i woulda deleted the spam, last time it was spammed the forums were down for a day or two because of it. I emailed and pm'd badscript about having a trial run as a moderator but i get no response. Contrary to what some think i wouldn't be a "nazi", its not as if badscript couldn't de-mod me if i went on some type of retarded post deleting rampage so what is there to lose? Im just asking for a chance and no more than that.