i'm sorry, but that is how the Q3 netcode is. The only netcode i've ever seen that levels the playing feild between pings is the HL netcode. The HL netcode uses cliant side prediction code to make your gameplay smooth, and it also timestamps each shot so the server can tell when you hit somebody you are aiming at, thus no need to lead your target.
The only thing the HL netcode doesn't do, is that the low pinger will still see the HPB round the corner before the HPB sees the low pinger, but if the HPB sees the LPB first, god help the LPB :P
i think all developers should take notes from valve, they got it all set.
Location: Gatineau, Quebec, Canada (Next to Ottawa)
12-28-2001, 10:47 AM
I've noticed this a lot lately.
I ping fairly well to some servers (150s) and others I ping even better (50-80s) the difference in my kill / death ratio is astounding.
In the 150s I struggle for a 2.5 / 1
In the 50-80s I get 3.5 / 1 without much difficulty.
This morning I trully saw it when I kept facing 2 players on a server who both had 50-59 pings and 2.5 / 1 kill ratios, I had a 150+ ping and when we would face each other many a times I had the jump on them but after hitting the fire key, his shot went off 1st and he had clearly shot AFTER.
Some other times we would DM in a room and he clearly got off 3 shots (shotgun) before I go off 2, this happened a lot, I was looking for it, heh.
Anyways, I played on server's where I pinged in the 50-60s and I was shooting faster than other players in the 120+.
It's something I would think you would not see anymore with these types of pings.
Take the HL netcode, with a 200-225 ping I'm just as fast as a 50 ping, same for Q3 code, this is based on the Q3Engine, I wonder if they played with the netcode, because it's not Q3 caliber.