to get passed the tank, when u reach the auto save point there go to ur left and take out the 5 or so guys with the mg42, u should be able to do this before the tank fires its first shot. Then get outa there, let the tank shoot a wall out, then quickly run out. Run right past the tank and past everything dont stop. go to the stairs that are infront of u that lead up to the 2nd floor were an mg42 is. Take out the gunner and wait at the 2nd floor shooting anyone who comes in. Just wait in the room the nazis will come. use the BAR or thompson. if u do it right u shouldnt even get shot once, after uv taken out everyone just look out the window were the mg42 is facing the tank and shoot at it with your bazooka, the tank wont be able to shoot u.
when u get to the church part stay close to the brick wall, a total of 6 guys appear at the front, they come out 2 at a time, so just stay by the brick wall and snipe em out then after the guys stop comming, remember 6 of em, make ur way to the church use the tombstones for cover some guys will run out both ways. Just take ur time snipeing em
[This message has been edited by intrestedviewer (edited January 07, 2002).]