I knew people were cheating! i emptied a whole M1 mag (8 rounds) at a german ina game running CPR mod (Realism mod). he didn't go down and I doubt he lost any health. He just turned to me and killed me with a SMG... bastards! why do people have to ruin perfectly good games?
I also ran into the XMR (Xtremely Mugly Retards) Yup its offical theres a God Mode hack. I wasn't gonna believe it till I seen it. Let me say I saw it and its a damn shame that such a great game already has cheaters.
Yup, just now left a game with a clan mamber cheating, a 'gost rider.' Couple guys there were asking the kaos admins playing for his IP so they could hack his comp, send him viruses, etc. Guess they were not jokign because the cheater could not see what he was typing, so he wasn't doing it to scare him.
I hope he fries his computer.
I also hope that anti-cheat software makes it into the game, on that will log your IP and NOT let you play in any online game at ALL. So that way they waste their money on the f'ing game.