I loved MOH undercover mission i loved walking
around and the privates saluted me (even though they did it wrong) And when they ask for my paper i stick a muzel in there mouth So is there goan be any on MOHAA
Yup, I've seen a few previews which talked about them briefly, and showed some screenshots of such missions, but I can't remember which preview they were on .
same, i saw a mission where your walking around with a silenced luger, looks pretty badass. i just wish you could stuff the bodys into lockers like in metal gear solid 2 (great game btw)
I love the "stealth" missions from RTCW...they added a break from the norm....
you know,shooting,running,jumping...shooting some more...I hope that it is either AS hard or Harder....and I would like to see body-dragging/stashing....that would be great!
Mein Ehre Heisst Treue
Das Geminschaft
2nd SS Panzer Division
I found the covert missions in the original medal of honor and medal of honor underground quite difficult. I mean, one screw up and a whole horde of guards descend up on you, with submachineguns and rifles, while all you have is a silenced pistol!
in the other two MOH games I never showed my papers. I just gave the germans a free dying lesson! I would walk aound with the pistol holstered then when I saw someone, I just put a bullet in their head! Plain and simple!
Why have papers when you have a silencer!
Close isn't good enough unless you throw a grenade!